Wow, just wow. Your family seems so much like mine(except I have a big brother and my dad's still here, since divorce is frowned upon indian culture). This perfectly captured how I thought my family would react if I told them I was bisexual(my mum would be the one slapping me). And honestly I don't really blame them.(I am planning to marry a man, I just find girls attractive also).
And don't get me wrong, I love my family, but hate the fact that they couldn't accept this fact.
Well they don't have to, cuz i'm never telling them(I don't have to)
As for this game, it perfectly balances humor and angst. I love the artstyle of this and how simple it is. and I think 2015 being 8 YEARS AGO is more surprising than 2010 being 13 years ago tbh. I especially loved the line, "DAD I'M BISEXUAL AND BANGING JACK" XD
And I loved the endings also and the message of the game. Life sadly can't be replayed. The only complaint I have is the fast scrolling text, but that's it.
And it takes guts to tell your parents that. It shouldn't. But that's how it is.
Edit: AND YOU'RE A TRANS WOMAN ALSO?! So you're not gay but straight?🤔